

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why when January is less busy
Do I have more trouble finding time
Do the cold days stall our muscles
Or the wind chills freeze our brains
Is it just too cold
To do much of anything
Except escape from reality
In front of the TV?

You'd think this long dreary time
Would be perfect for writing
But all I can conjure
Are fantasies of warm weather-
Visions of walking outside
Without bundling up
Feeling the soft grass under my feet
Instead of sliding down the sidewalk
Hearing the sweet song of birds
Instead of the whistling of the wind.

I guess I'll just have to be content
With sitting by my window
And imagining the cold world going by
Is a Documentary on the History Channel
Either Global Warming aftermath
A study in Antarctica
Or the Apocalypse
I think it's time to change the channel!

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