

Friday, January 31, 2014

The smell of chocolate chip cookies and the warmth of the oven, providing our winter weigh gain. The white snow cocoon forcing us to stay inside, and inactive.  The dry air from constant temperature battles. All are symptoms of our Minnesota winter.

Like flu season, it started off slowly with a few drips and dips in temperature. Swelling at the Holidays. But now lingering on into February, it’s epidemic.

So we eat and sleep and look outside. And dream…
Of warm sun unfiltered through thick window panes
Of life dotting the landscape- squirrels lounging, plants planning, children playing
Of yellow, the sun colored air of summer,
Of blue, in an unclouded sky,
Of fresh green not tinted white
Of rainbows, the promise of freshness
Of throwing back the woolen white blanket of winter
Recovering from the Flu
And bursting into Hay fever season.

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