

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Former W7th area resident, Mark Weber, shares his wisdom in his new book, Tell My Sons. From his early years in the W7th neighborhood to his special assignments in the Army and his current battle with cancer, Weber’s love of life and family provide hope and humor.

The opening chapters set the scene with mention of Palace Playground, Cosetta’s, St Francis de Sales Grade School and Cretin High School.  It was at Cretin in the JROTC program that Weber heard his calling to join the Army. His path took him across the US and all the way to Iraq where he worked with Iraq’s Chief of Defense, General Babakir Zibari. In spite of all his awards and honors, Weber refers to his wife, Kristin, as the true hero and inspiration in his life.

Each chapter starts with a quote from General Douglas MacArthur, followed by Weber’s real life experience living up to the challenge. He chronicles his successes and failures in life including his battle with Stage 4 intestinal cancer as a way to share his experience. Originally started as a letter to his 3 boys, encouraged by friends and family it became a heartfelt sharing of wisdom that touches anyone who’s read it, including Robin Williams who wrote the foreword and writer, David Murray who helped Weber craft his story.

Though dealing with serious subjects, Weber sense of humor helps us all appreciate life’s “Bufords”- the name he gave his surgical wound. To quote Weber, “If Nietzsche had had a better sense of humor, he would have said, “Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you funnier.” A wry and wise look at life.

Tell My Sons is available through http://www.tellmysons.com

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