

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The 3:00 Classroom

Gone are the high pitched
Squeals and giggles.
The low hum under the breath,
The scraping chairs
And tapping toes
Are echos in the void.
No response to the electric song
Of florescent lights.
No rebuttal as the clock
Counts out the minutes.
Just the unnatural silence
Of the classroom at rest.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

With my friend Margaret and her friend Lois Lowry

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tommy's Sweatshirt
Tommy loves his new blue sweatshirt
He says it's as comfy as a nap.
Curled up in warm fleece
Hoodie pulled over his brown hair
He looks cozy as a kitten
After a hard day's play.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to School
I forgot how much I loved teaching
I forgot the way their smiles Light up my day.
Like a vampire
Their energy and enthusiasm
Keep me young.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Goodbye Vacation
I forgot what day it was Friday.
I forgot I was a teacher for a day.
It was just me
And the sunshine
A wide open day
And a sky full of eagles.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

With Age...
Warm fingertips
Touching hair gone grey
Curling hands
Over softly settled skin
Finding folds beneath the covers
Outlining your face
With years of experience.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Sunrise
How can you be blase'
About a day
The starts with such a beautiful sunrise?

A touch of pink
A rosy warmth
Toasting the bottom of clouds.

The world slowly coming into focus
Distinguishing shapes
From grey backgrounds.

Waiting for that moment
When the sun burst over the horizon
And announces the day!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goin' South
To see the blue water
The birds flying overhead
The beautiful bluffs
Goin' south
To get away
All the way to
To Lake Pepin, Minnesota

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Snow
I'm sitting in my freshly painted
Caribbean room
Laughing as the snow
Flakes brush past
My window
Trying to take me down
With them
But I hold fast
To the aquamarine
Tethering me
To tropical dreams.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fresh With Possibilities
Starting a New Journal-
A place to call my own
A place to share my secret self
Protected between the pages
Nurtured by the intimacy
Of pen in hand.
Challenged by the
limitless possibilities
Of empty paper.
Aware of the mortality
Of finite pages.
But always hopeful
To start a new journal.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dripping off dirty snow piles
To land
In newly ripened mud.
A fine vintage
Of a deep chocolate color
With hints of spring
And notes of new life.
Decanted and pored
Spilling over the sidewalk
And staining
The fine lattice tablecloth
Of lingering snow.
Seeping into the water table
And sending up sprouts
Drunk with spring.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break
Welcoming spring with a fresh coat of paint
Since we couldn't go to the Caribbean
We brought the Caribbean to us...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Twins' Tickets
The wind up
The pitch
The ball sailing
Over the emerald green.
Zipping across the Skyline
Skyscraper backstop
Straight to the stars
Hovering against the moon
Over Minneapolis.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Class Limerick
There once was a class from St Paul
Who liked to play football
But on the playground
They heard a loud sound
So decided to head to the Mall!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

It's St Patrick's Day
Let's go play....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Every Little Thing
It was hard to get up this morning
But at least I was able to.
There wasn't anything I wanted to eat
But a refrigerator full of food.
The car tuned over slowly
But it got me there.
Only 2 students were absent
But 1 came later.
I forgot my lunch
But the hot lunch was corn dogs.
The meeting went on long
But problems were addressed.
My computer was wiped cleaned
But it killed the virus.
On my vacation I have to let the workers in
But then we'll have new windows.
At least I have a home to come home to
With someone who loves me
A blog to write in
To remind me
That every little thing's gonna be alright.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sidewalk Poems
On the way to school
Slow dragging feet and backpack.
On the way to play
Hopscotch parade.
On the way home
Flying down the pavement
Leaving my footprints behind.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Irish Pride Held High
Funny the things you understand
As a child.
I knew I wasn't suppose to like orange
But didn't understand until I learned
The history of the Irish Catholics and
German Protestant.
I never notice Grandpa's brogue
Come and go
An affectation of the Old Country.
I thought he stepped right off the boat
And brought dreams of Ireland with him.
Sitting in his lap
As he sang "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen"
I thought he really meant it.
I only knew
To him I was special
And so was Ireland.
So they both have a special place in my heart.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I miss you on days when
I see mothers and daughters
Sharing shopping or conversations
Over lunches of hot fudge sundaes.
I miss you on days when
It's cold and I put on your sweater
Or pull out a piece of your jewelry.
I miss you on days when
I crave chocolate
While watching Jeopardy or Millionaire.
I miss you on days when
I sit with my feet tucked under me
And read a good mystery
Or look out the window
And enjoy the cardinal's song.
I miss you on days when
I look in the mirror
And see my face aging into yours.
In other words
I always miss you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Celebrating mom's birthday with Kristi Yamaguchi at the Red Balloon!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Adam with his usual candor blurted out
I think they deserved it.
In his young mind they were the enemy
And this was retribution.
What a sad idea
How terrible that people really feel that way.
HIV is God's punishment
Disasters are comeuppance
God is on our side
And to hell with the rest of the world.
Some days
There's so much more than math to teach.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

December Dreams
By Grade 3/4
The plump and satisfied bear
After his buffet of
Fat juicy fish
Snoozes, sleeps and snores
As he dreams
Of his honey dessert.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Parent's Friends

Seeing people
Who knew you,
I want to ask
What were you like
As a friend or acquaintance?
What topics of conversation
Did you share?
Do they see you in me?
But instead
I turn away
Not wanting to open the memories.
Not willing to ask the questions
That will connect the dots.
No easy answer
To your absence.
Only anger that they're still here
While I have only
Stories of the past.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday
Every day is Fat Tuesday
In a kid's life.
Scrambling after
All the candy
They can consume.
Yelling and screaming
Till their lungs burst
Or their neighbors ears.
Jumping and skipping
Feet hardly touching the floor.
Flying down the corridors
Past the classrooms
Beyond the learning
Out of reach of adults
Mardi Gras
In the lunch room.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sharing Stories
I remember
Learning how to paint pigs
On the garage walls
With grandpa.
It was getting a new coat
So our primer was no problem
Not so when I spread my artistry
To the kitchen walls.
Mom was more upset with grandpa
For his teaching
Then me for my mimicry.
But it's a memory
I treasure
And it gets better
With every telling.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Color Swatch
Awash in a sea
Of colors
Coral green
To Poolside blue
Trying to capture
That elusive
Sea color
Of a Cancun beach
To spread across
My winter room
And transform it
Into spring.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mardi Gras
One last celebration
Before Lent.
A throwing beads
To the wind
Kind of abandon.
Mesmerizing jazz bands
And swirling Hurricane drinks.
A fun night to party.
Even better if
It wasn't a school fund raiser.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Death and Taxes
And Maggie's grandma died.
Maggie always had
Such wonderful stories about her.
Her fun sense of humor and love of life
Her keen wit and sharp mind.
It puts it all in perspective.
Besides it's only money
And you can't take it with you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Date Night
Crab legs and lobster
Or White Castles and fries
It's fun to get away
To get out of the routine
Get wild on Wednesday
Focus on each other
And forget the rest.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to Jazzercise
Forgot the music
And the moves
But muscle memory
Kicking in
We're back to dance again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March in
Like a lion
Roaring winter
Loud and clear.
March out
Like a lamb
Soft gentle breezes
Tripping into April.
March forward
Into spring!