

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat
Sugar high
Temperatures low
A great night for
Tricks or treats.
Princesses and pirates
Pretending adventures
Monsters to scare away
The dread
Magical creatures
Reveling in unimaginable power
Or being rich and famous
For a night.
Anything is possible
On Halloween.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear
Peace Train
Meets Crazy Train
And agrees on the Love Train.
Posters and posturing aside
Politics is good for a laugh.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Not to Wear Marathon
Judging by appearances
We appear vulnerable.
Open to criticism
Sucked in to fill the void
Where our self esteem should be.
Patterns deflect attention
And protect our privacy.
Bland colors
Make us fade into the background.
Too bold colors are like
A warning sign to stop.
Baggie clothes and fabrics
Keep us safe
Never exposing
Our style or personality.
Hoping no one notices
The real person
Behind the clothes.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Child's Halloween Dreams
A haunted house
Of ghosts and goblins
With them as the super hero
Saving the day.
Trick or treating till
Late at night
With Halloween candy
All the way to the ceiling.
Waking late the next morning
With a Butterfinger's hangover
And no school!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Hard Day's Night
A hot bath
A warm bowl of soup
A chocolate dessert
A tender kiss
A good night

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Madness
Wind whipping
Like a witch's broomstick
Against the sky.
Levitating leaves
And casting a spell
Keeping us all indoors.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brown ducks
And seagulls
Trading places
Across the water
Like a game of checkers.
King me!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Hereafter Movie
I imagine something
Like a Star Trek episode
Sparkling energy atoms
Dancing across the universe.
The interconnectedness
Of all life
Forming a jigsaw puzzle
Where missing pieces
Get plugged in
Till the whole picture
Is revealed.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

20/20 Vision
My Blog
Has made me focus
On the little things.
The things that matter
The things in my control
Or in my realm.
I look at things
In different ways;
Like turning a stone
To search for crystals,
Seeing the light
And beauty refracted
In daily life.
Like a new pair of eyeglasses.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Another View
Being in joy.
Noticing the criss cross
Pattern of waves
Totally missing the criss cross hole
In the screen door.
Watching the yellow leaves flutter
Instead of focusing on the bare branches.
Observing the wind herding the clouds
Out of view
To better see the clear blue sky.
Feeling the softness envelop me
While ignoring the lumps in the cushion.
Looking between window smudges
To join the view.
Being aware of every good thing
And able to bare the rest.
That's joy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lake Pepin
Trading one window on the world in
For a different view.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street
Wind whipping the leaves
Into a frenzy.
Branches wailing
In terror.
Gusts trying to shear
The last leaves
From its limbs
Like a chainsaw massacre.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dad's Birthday
I remember you were always
Hard to buy for.
When we were little
You and mom said,
All you wanted was "Good kids."
Well, I knew there was a whole lot more to wish for
So I tried socks,
100% cotton shirts,
Books on subjects of interest,
Candy for your sweet tooth
Donations to charity for your heart
And masses said for your soul.
But the best gift
I think was the
Brown corduroy bathrobe I made for you.
Mom said she had to mend it so many times
She just about remade it.
But you wouldn't give it up.
It was nicely worn in
And comfortable.
I was always secretly proud
When I'd see you in that bathrobe.
Even if it was falling apart.
It made me feel connected to you
Like the sash tying it all together
Or a warm hug
To shy to embrace.
I like to think you kept wearing it too
For the love that was in it
And not just because
It was a comfortable brown corduroy bathrobe.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I was surprised to learn
We walk 10,000 steps a day.
I don't know where-
Between the board and the desks
Hardly seems a mile.
Marching them back and forth
In the hallways plus lav breaks
Could add up, I suppose.
Lunch duty and playground patrol
Bus and after school duty
Counts for something.
Up and down to Johnny's desk
Probably adds a lot.
Just juggling third and fourth grade
Involves many steps.
Then the walk from the car to home.
The path from couch to frig
Is well worn.
Plus Jazzercise on a good day
And chasing the cats
Up and down the stairs.
No wonder climbing the steps to bed
I feel like I've already
Walked 9,999 steps.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Far Away Friends
You're there
I'm here.
So many miles by airplane
Yet no farther than a heartbeat.
Your voice on the phone
Reminds me of all we've shared.
So quickly uprooted and transplanted
No wonder your roots are wobbly.
Your family has been flung far
But your heart is here.
Like your mother
You'll always be here
In spirit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Time Machine
According to the calendar
We lived through the 80's and 90's
But it seems a blur.
Working toward imagined goals
Striving for the future
One adventure bled into the next event
Until we're here.
I learned I liked travel
And more flavorful food.
I tried new things
And gained more experience.
I practiced my craft
And perfected skills.
The middle years
Of growing and shearching.
Everything seemed urgent
And important to be there.
Until we're here.
Not looking back
Or planning our next move
Just here
To where the past has brought us
And the future picks us up.
Nothing to change
Because it starts here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Leaf Storm
Tornadoes of leaves
Sweep through the streets
Leaving a path of destruction
In its wake.
Shriveled brown bodies
Carcases crunching under your feet
The death of Autumn.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I said I wouldn't marry you
Until I got my driver's license.
My independence meant a lot to me.
32 years later
I still like to be my own person
But now I take into account
How it affects you too.
I think about you
When I decide what's for supper.
I think about you
When I plan my day.
Sometimes I'll just stop
In the middle of my day
And think about you.
I think about you all the time.
You're always in my thoughts
And forever in my heart.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilean Miners

It was summer when they went to work.
Trapped underground for 69 day.
Trapped in a cave as dark as their own mind.
How did they survive...
The memories of a bright blue sky
Over a family picnic
Pierced the darkness.
The sound of a lover's voice
Stuck in the head
To grapple with the insanity.
The smell of their perfume
To block the stench of stale air and fear.
The remembered taste of cool clean water
To cleanse the tongue.
The caress of a loved ones hands
To keep back the darkness
And keep hope alive.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Change of Scenery
Seeing things
From a different perspective
Just by stepping back
And adjusting the lens
Or focusing on a different element.
By putting down the camera
And seeing the whole picture.
A rose by any name
May smell as sweet
But it sure looks different
In October.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Morning Quarterback
I feel ready to tackle the week.
Like an armchair quarterback
I have my plays ready
And my players rested.
We know the drills
And are ready to play.
Pushing forward
Toward the goal line
Johnny got his work done!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My brain is empty
Like leaves falling off the trees
Thought slip softly
From my mind.

Nothing to note their passing
But a faint sense of loss
And wonder
At where they've gone.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gary's Blog
Sultry Saturday
Record high temps,
Peak of Fall colors,
Twins final hurrah,
Trying to connect our lives.
Nice ingredients for October...
Happy to make life's journey
A vacation.

Friday, October 8, 2010

St Paul Art Crawl
Creeping along the hallways
Lit with paintbrush strokes
Of luminous colors.
Climbing up the stairs
Wrought iron twists and turns.
Stalking into lofts
Lined with frames
Outlining people's lives.
Peeking into living rooms
Imagining the life of an artist.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Good Day
Everyone needs a compliment
Once in a while.
When the kids do a good job,
When they get it right,
Some days when they just show up
They need praise.
But who pats the teacher on the back?
When do I get to hear
That I did something good?
All I get is complaints from parents,
Groans from kids,
And more work.
I guess I'll have to
Pretend their mumbled good mornings
Mean they're glad I'm their teacher,
And parent complaints are their way of saying thanks,
And I get to do more because I'm good at it.
I guess it all in how you look at it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Waiting For the Birds
Blue sits at the window
Waiting, like Godot,
For the elusive black birds
To circle and nest in the Maple.
Never having experienced the outdoors
What does he imagine,
And does he think
If not for the glass
He could join in their flight?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thinking About What to Write
I told the kids today
When you don't know
What to write about
Just keep going
And the words
Will finally come out
So, I'm hoping they will.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Golden Medallions

Branches offering alms
To us poor humans.
Why don't we display
Such brilliant colors
As we near our Autumn years?
Instead we seem to fade
And dull to grey.
Maybe that's why
We wear such bright
Wool scarves.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Medtronic 10 Mile Race
Watching runners
Sprint down the tree lined Avenue
In the shadow of the Cathedral
Under the huge American flag.
Muscles taut
Jaws clenched
Faces set in fierce determination.
Pride swells up in me
As I recognize a familiar face-
My brother finishing the race.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We're Gonna Win Twins
We appreciated Fan appreciation Day.
What a great season
And what a great new stadium.
Blue sky
Instead of smelly blue seats.
Big Dogs
Instead of Dome Dogs.
Watching Minni and Paul
Shake hands over the crowd
Instead of staring at the curtain.
Losing balls in the sun
Instead of the Teflon.
Joe Mauer
Instead of...
Well some things stay the same.
Go Twins!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Other End of the Avenue
Eyes wide as the sky
Taking in the parting clouds
And emerging sun.
Mind expanding
With the bright blue possibilities
Of the morning sunrise.