My whole teaching life is wrapped up in this neighborhood.
In June of 1976 my grandma, who lived across the street from St Francis de Sales told me about an opening in the school. I took the bus after school to her house, changed into my “interview outfit” and met with Sister Annabelle.
The care and compassion and love for this school was instilled in me early on from the wonderful people I worked with and the families I came to know.
Miss Mayer, Mrs Kunik, Diana Komarek were all co-workers and friends, along with many others through the years. I loved working with generations of families and felt their love and sense of community.
The ideals of hard work and responsibility were important components of learning at SFSJU. Students learned to do their best and be empowered to create a better future. I hope I helped them learn to love learning and themselves.
I will be sad to leave here, but am heartened by the knowledge that we made a difference. Our presence in the neighborhood touched many lives and will be felt even when we're gone.
Amen. So sorry. But I know the whole school community tried their best to keep SFSJ open as long as possible.