

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Rejoy of Little Things
Like melt in your mouth
Christmas treats
With a good appetite.
Enjoying a beautiful sunset
With out drugs.
Sighing over the sparkle
Of Christmas without tears.
The wonder of fresh snowflakes
Without a chill.
The comfort of a warm bed
With no fever.
The solace of a hand to hold
With no pain.
The miracle of being in this moment
Without fear.
And looking to the future
With hope.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sharing Holiday Cheer
At Goby's...

Happy New Year's early!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Belated Gift
The Flu
Running through the family
Like the Christmas Spirit.
Sharing germs
With Holiday cheer.
May the New Year
Find us all happy
And Healthy!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Brown December
Nothing to cover
The dirty clothes
Of Fall.
The decaying leaves
The bare branches
The dead stems
All still on display
While waiting patiently
For its winter wardrobe.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

End of December
Clouds forming
Layers of grey.
Fingertips of sun
Splaying through
The dark of December.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The hunting gathering instinct
Of our ancestors kicks in
At the Mall.
Zeroing in on the beautiful plumage
My eyes follow the green and blues
Amid the camouflage.
Closing in on my prey
I pounce on the price tag
Snag the prize
And head off with my trophy
To be mounted on the closet hangers.
Another successful safari.
Thanks Maggie and Dave and Bob.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year!

Holiday Flower Show
at McNeely Conservatory

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve
I still see Christmas
Through a child's eyes.
The magical sparkle
Of Christmas lights
And tinsel on the tree.
Remembering the ride
Through the dark to grandma's.
The air seemed to shimmer
And the stars were touched
With dreams of Santa.
The adults swirled around
The orbit of a child's world
Filled with wonder
And anticipation.
The clink of glasses
The crunch of cookies
The joy of laughter
All mingled with
Silent Night
To create the music
Of the evening
To create the memories
That are Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Time Flies
It's hard to believe
It's almost Christmas.
It was just the 4th of July.
It's hard to imagine
All we've been through
In the last 6 months.
I'm looking forward
To a new beginning
In January
Like turning the calendar
And having a fresh new page.
Less dates with appointments
And Doctors
No journal
Of side effects and cures
Just wide open spaces
With days to fill in.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Maybe I did learn something
But it's not like
I couldn't have
Read a self help book.
Maybe I did learn patience
But it would have been
A lot easier to just stand in line.
Maybe I did learn empathy
But watching
The Hallmark Channel
Would have been more fun.
Maybe I did learn
To appreciate things more
But a nice church hymn
Would have been simpler.
Maybe the path you're on
Leads you to where you are
But sometimes
A shortcut would be nice.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I don't know if the Doctors
Really don't know
Or just don't want to tell you,
But I'm hoping
They are at least
What the side effects may be.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Waiting in December
Waiting for the sun to come up
Waiting for the class to arrive
Waiting for their heads to clear of Santa dreams
Waiting for the them to pay attention
Waiting for 2:35
Waiting for my appointment
Waiting to go home
Waiting for the sun to set
Waiting to start over again.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunshine on My Shoulders...
Degrees of warmth
Heating up
My trembling fingers.
Touching my toes
Smiling down
And brightening the room
Shimmering in
And lighting
My soul.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

White Christmas?
A light dusting of snow,
Like frosting
On the gingerbread houses,
Makes it look a lot more
Like Christmas.

Friday, December 16, 2011

End of week
End of year
End of line
Wish it was the
End of treatment.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Treats
Though I still can't stomach
Coke in a can
And I haven't
Been up to a Mancini's steak
There's something about
Christmas cookies
That even tempts me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Programs
Weeks of practice
Learning words and actions
Where to be and how to sing.
All worth while
When the stars are hung
And the Kindergarten angels sing.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letting Go
Just let it go,
Like a balloon
Floating who knows where.
It will reach it's destination
Though it may not be
Where I planned.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pleasant Dreams
A new pillow
To cradle my neck
As I learn to sleep
On my back.

A new pillow
To give me good dreams
And give me something
To look forward to.

A new pillow
To relax my body
And release my mind
To the healing of sleep.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Rambling Road
You never know
Where the journey
Will lead you.
You can prepare and pack.
You can imagine and worry.
You can project to protect.
But it's only
In looking back
That it starts to make sense.
Like seeing the X
"You are here" spot
In context with the whole map.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Winter Sun
My 4:00 Appointments
And the winter solstice
Are playing havoc
With my sunshine.
So I'll have to
Soak up the sun
At my window
On a sunny Saturday
And make it last all week.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Cards
To send or not to send?
It seems like one more thing
To do at this busy time of year.
But the cards start coming
And I'm reminded of
The the wonderful people
Behind the cards.
And realize it's one very
Important thing to do
Especially at this busy
Time of year,
To acknowledge
These special people
in my life.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fourth Grade Science
Studying about Matter
You realize what matters.
Something warm
To cover your head
Even if it is a wig.
Something to eat even if you
Have no appetite.
Some one to love
And loves you
Even if some days
It seems like it's only the cat.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

On with Oncology
Continuing Herceptin
Every three week
But the sinus problems
That come with it
Not so much.
I literally can't talk about it.
(I lost my voice.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St Nicholas Day
Even a few gentle flakes
Came down to celebrate.
No coal
Only candy canes.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Merry Monday
Countdown till Christmas
Only 20 days
And the kids are counting!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot
Like Christmas
The snow looks pretty
From my window.
The tree looks stunning
From the couch.
The presents are wrapped
In my dreams.
And my mind is in Florida
On Spring Break!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

2nd Anniversary of Angela's 29th
Or the Pink Pub Crawl
Happy Birthday Angela,
You're in the pink!
Looking good and doing fine.
We're looking forward
To celebrating many more
Anniversaries with
Pink Pub Crawls.

Friday, December 2, 2011

If my little princess
Doesn't figure out soon
That I'm the queen
I'll have to send her
To the dungeon
Or at least
The Principal's office.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Love Books

Even when I don't like them.
I love reading them
I love discussing them
I love sharing them.
I always learn something
And it doesn't hurt.