

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Open House
Sharing germs with
All the little petri dishes
And their families.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Teachers' Table
Gathered around the table
We realize
We're all in this together.
Feeling separated by
The thin veneer of chairs
We soon come to sharing
Intimate conversations
That make us realize
Our need is to serve others
With the food
Of love and acceptance,
The knowledge
Of our shared humanity,
And the vulnerability
Of saving grace.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I decided not to
Have a birthday this year,
I'd just add it on to next year.
But amid phone calls and cards
Gifts and good wishes
It turned out to be
A wonderful celebration of life!
Thanks for reminding me
To appreciate the day.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Summer Nonparty
What a wonderful gathering
Of family.
A comfortable closeness.
I felt taken care of
And loved.
Comfort food and caring
Concern and sharing.
I finally felt good,
With family around me
It would all work out
And our history and our future
Created a wonderful
Safe place to be.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The New Normal
It appears to include;
Bones stretched like taffy,
Nerves cut like cords,
Tingling across the chest,
A stomach fighting to stay put,
And all the typical aches and pains
Of my 56 year old body.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Every action
Causes a reaction.
Angry red welts
Creating a scarlet necklace
Around my aching throat.
Will a spoonful of sugar help?
Benadryl will.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wrapped in a blanket of love.
So many prayers and wishes
Woven into the wool.
Hugging you close around me
I feel warm and comforted.
The woolly feeling
Of "chemo brain" fades away.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

War of the Worlds
Sitting 6 hours
As they drip poison
Into my veins
Is a paradox.
How these drugs
Can kill my cells
While healing my body
Makes no sense.
This invading army
Is now at war.
Little terrorists
Killing everything in sight
Making no distinction
Between the little blood cells
With the white hats
And the potential black hats.
I just hope my body
Knows when to wave
The white flag.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Unknown
What to expect
Becomes mundane
Once we become experts.
But the unknown
Makes us uncomfortable,
Shakes us up
And dumps us out
Careening across
An unfamiliar landscape
Without a compass.
I'll need a hand to hold
Whether next to me
Or in my heart
To help lead me back
Safely home.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gary's Dream
Close your eyes
And you could be anywhere.
The Doctors office
Becomes the sandy carpet
On the beach.
The syringe
Is just the umbrella
In the drink.
The Classroom could be
An Alaskan Cruise.
Whiteboard glaciers
Dotting the horizon.
The squeal of dolphins
Drowning out the
Other high pitch noises.
Lying in bed at night
You can imagine
You could wake up anywhere.
Just close your eyes.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dreams of days
On tropical beaches
Sand between my toes
Instead of snow.
Warm sun on my
Healthy body.
No foreign bodies.
The only port
Is a surfers' paradise.
Visions of vacation
Sustenance for now.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fair Weather
The sun of a smile
Warm with memories.
The gentle breeze
Of a touch
Like waves between bodies.
Words weaving a story
And connecting
The past and present.
Filling in the gaps
Between conversations
And experience.
A voice on the phone,
A friend at lunch,
Whispered confidences-
A bright spot
In the day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Book Club
Emily Dickinson-
White dress
In the window
Proclaiming herself
To the world.
A thin veneer
To cover a brilliant mind.
Seeing the beauty
In the world around her.
Being able to laugh
And look at the truth.
The human spirit.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it bad
When the Physical Therapist's
And my eyes pop open
As we hear
A pop in my arm?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Morning
Wide awake at 3 AM.
Simon and Garfunkel
Sing me to sleep.
Slowly drifting
Back in time
To a carefree age
When August
Only meant
Living each day
Like it was your last day
Of vacation.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cancer Free Weekend
At Joe's birthday party
Celebrating his 11 years
I'm not going to think
About the next 18 weeks.
At the Irish Fest
Enjoying the cool day
Sampling food and music
I'm not going to notice
The tug if I move
A little too fast.
At Canterbury Downs
Watching the horses
And people parade
I focus on the end of the race
And try to enjoy
The moment
With family and friends.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Joe
What an amazing attitude
For an eleven year old.
So kind and thoughtful.
Aware of the world
And finding his place in it.
An old soul
smiling out
Of those beautiful
Young eyes.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Another Day Another Test
Head in the belly
Of the radioactive beast.
Strapped on a gurney
With the warm contrast
Running through my veins.
The thump of it's cold heart
Conducting my breathing
As the voice of the machine
Reminds me
Hold your breath,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A momentary escape.
Close your eyes
And block out
All the bad dream monsters.
Create your own vision
Of a beautiful day.
Breathe out all the anxiety
And reawaken to
The fresh new world
You've created.
A waking dream.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Patron Saints of My Classroom
Blessed be St Stephen
Who like Michelangelo
Dedicated his time
To making my classroom
A work of art.

Blessed be St Mary
The Virgin Mother
Who like St Martha
Really knows how to clean.

Blessed be St Jennifer
Patron saint of nurses
Who helped nurse my classroom
Back to health.

Blessed be St James
Patron Saint of messengers
Who really delivered
On moving around those
Books and boxes.

Blessed be St Gary
Greeter at the gate
Organizer of book shelves
Just like at the grocery store
And special protector
Of cancer patients.

God bless them everyone!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Like Vicodin
I needed a stab of pain
On my left side
Near my heart
To balance the
Ache on my right side
Under my breast.
With a migraine
In my head
To top it off
It all evens out.

Monday, August 8, 2011

One Good Thing
With wigs
You never have
A bad hair day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday in the Park
I'm too much
Inside my head.
Pondering what's
Going on in my body.
Connecting synapses
To fill the gaps
Of information overload.
I need to get outside
And open my mind
To let the fresh air in.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I still go to the phone
To call mom.
In my mind they're still there
At 1286 Scheffer,
Sitting in their recliners
Mom's legs tucked up
Under her
In her sweats
Dad with beer
On the table between them.
Clock over head
Chiming the time
And counting
The precious minutes.

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Story
Each new person to cross my path
Becomes a part of my story.
My compassionate surgeon
Who explains the path is not straight.
The nurses who treat me professionally
But more important, mother me.
The voice from the phone-
My lifeline,
Who with a hug and a tear
Becomes a real person.
Smiling faces
With kind words
And encouragement.
These are some of the heroes
Who've become part of my story.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Neon
My car has cancer.
First my brake line
Rusted out.
Whether in sympathy pains
Or old age.
Then on its next run
Out of the garage
The gas line broke.
Poor Neon,
Like me,
Doesn't know
If it's coming or going.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My MUGA Test
Needle under the skin
Intrusive attack
Rape of the veins.
A mental phobia
Inflicted on the body
Another test to pass.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Information Overload
I need the facts
I need to know
What could happen
So I can choose
How I react.
I can't change anything
But myself.
So I need to know
What my options are.
I can't enjoy the trees
If I don't know
I'm in a forest.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Health History
Little aches and pains
Seem to creep up on us
As we age.
An ouch here
A groan there
That awful noise
We make to get up.
Our bodies have
Their own language.
Maybe it's trying
To tell me something.