

Monday, February 28, 2011

Academy Awards
The night the stars come out,
All dressed in their finery
Sparkling like celestial beings.
Diamonds like spotlights
Catching the flashbulbs.
Smiles dazzling off
Expensive teeth.
Bodies stuffed into satin and lace.
Hair they worked on for hours
To look like they just rolled
Out of bed.
What a wonderful world
When they put on a show.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Things We Take for Granted
Waking up
Being able to breathe
Walking to the kitchen
Eating breakfast
Reading the paper
Going back to bed
And dreaming of all
The things we take for granted.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Training
Reading headlines
In anticipation
Newspaper notices
With excitement.
Looking forward
To warm summer evenings
City skyline
Overlooking the diamond
Stars above
And on the field.
Waiting for that first pitch
Let's play ball!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Take a Deep Breath
I need to sit
And do nothing.
Not homework
Or housework
Or the hundred other things
Passing through
My tired Friday mind.
I need to just sit
And do nothing
But try to breathe.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

On Finishing the "Red Pyramid"

To read to a child
To start them on that adventure...
I remember all of us lying on the bed
While mom read "The Happy Hollisters".
My first Library book
Was "Thidwick the Bighearted Moose"
The first chapter book
I read by myself
Was "Sick-a-Bed Sally".
In fourth grade I discovered adventure
"Castle of Adventure"
"Valley of Adventure"
It was later as an adult
I found them in the classics.
Who knew
I only knew
I loved Anne of Avonlea, Jo March,
Sherlock Holmes and anything by
Robert Louis Stevenson.
A shared experience
A shared book
Connecting us across the ages.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rest Time
Only when I'm sick
Can I lay quietly
On the couch
Watching mindless TV.
It takes a fever addled brain
Thinking insane thoughts
To keep up with the Kardashians.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flu Season
Tried to call in sick
Take your pick;
No subs
No options
Spread the germs.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Change of Scenery
I was looking forward
To getting away
For inspiration.
I need more than
This cold grey landscape
To color my writing.
I'm starting to lose sight of verbs
With such an inactive setting.
Nouns are beginning
To seem cold and dull.
There are no more adjectives.
Even prepositions
Don't want to be here.
And participles are just
Dangling around.
I need a new setting
With more characters
And a plot
That doesn't involve snow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eyes Closed
I'm not looking out the window
At the terrible snowstorm
That spoiled my weekend getaway.
In my mind's eye
It's warm and sunny
And we're overlooking Lake Pepin
where the sun's dawning
On a beautiful new day.
Ice floes dot the shores
As it breaks up
Sun's rays glistening off
Pristine waters
Where gulls and eagles
Dip and Dive.
Wrapped in my warm cocoons
I can enjoy a February day off
Until I open my eyes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Searching for perfection
I seek the ideal way.
Asking questions
To further inquiries.
Trying options
To refine procedure.
Making decisions
Based on advice.
Then allowing the answer
To float to the top
Like a treasure unearthed.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Picture Perfect
Looking deep into the picture
Past the garden scene
Far off on the mountain top
My soul is there,
Drinking in the fresh air.
Wreath of clouds
Crown my dreaming head.
Deep Parish blue sky,
Like an ocean
Surrounds me.
Flickering stars
Ready to enter the scene
Of my weekend retreat.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring Aborted
After looking forward all week
To the predicted 50 Degree day
We were disappointed
With the cold damp fog of a day.
A steady mist kept us in for recess.
A dark morning barely kept us awake.
At the end of the day
The sun had finally gained
Enough strength to push
Against the hem of clouds.
As one child said
The sun looked like an egg
Trying to hatch out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grammy Night
Circling cycles
Trilling notes
Up and down
Through consciousness
And undercover.
Melodies reminding,
Tune tapping into
The rhythm,
The pounding of the blood
Through the veins
Of all kinds of music
Keeping us in tune.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our image
Cut into a style.
Too short
Tears till it grows out.
Too long
It's out of control.
Just cut
Just right.

Monday, February 14, 2011

All You Need Is LOVE
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love the way
You wake up
The giggles
In the little girl in me.

I love the way
You help me see life
From a different perspective
Both Gemini sides.

I love the way
We can just sit quietly
And be in
Each other's thoughts

I love the way
We can talk
And feel like
We're really being heard.

I love the way
You do little things
That show you
You care.

I love the way
You wake up my soul
Renew and refresh me
And touch my heart.

I love the way
I feel when
I'm with you.
I love You.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trumpeter Swans
We followed the flying V
To Swan Pond.
Trumpeting their arrival
They joined hundreds
Of other birds
Flexing their wings
In a mating dance
On warm open water.
Wing tips slicing the air
Long sinewy necks
Snaking in and out.
Amazing mass
Of undulating feathers
Blanketing the pond
Like snowflakes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Big Picture
A project seems important
While you're
In the midst of it.
Obsessed with the details
Consumed with completion
Your priorities become skewed.
Eating and sleeping
Seem to get in the way
And everything else
Is a distraction.
Until the job is done
And you wonder
Why it seemed so important.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

For Alice
It doesn't matter how old you are
It's always hard to lose your mother.
That umbilical cord bond
Across the years.
Life's blood flowing through all you do.
You'll catch a glimpse in the mirror
And wonder when you became your mother.
A gesture
A saying
An opinion
A tradition
Your mother is always with you
In your heart and in your head.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me and the Machine
Computers are
Beautiful tools of logic
Except when they're not.
They help us create
And communicate
Except when they don't.
They broaden our experience
And make it fun
Except when it isn't.
I love computers
When they work.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon
Curled up on the couch
After dinner and a glass of wine
The day seems so much mellower
Than I remember it.
The note from the parent
Really wasn't that irate.
The Principal's memo
Was nothing out of the ordinary.
The missed prep time
Gave us lots of time to teach.
And the after school meeting
Only lasted till 5:30.
Not a bad day
After a glass of wine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Little Fish
A goldfish
In the Conservatory pond
Is sure he is in Paradise.
What else
Could this big beautiful world be?
He doesn't see us
Sitting on
A bench nearby
Getting out of the cold.
He thinks his pond
Is the whole wide world.
And he's content.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl
The excitement
Of possibilities.
Hold your breath
Let it fly.
Gotta try.
Hail Mary
Let it go.
Rushing forward
Put on a show.
Last ditch effort
Yes or no
Will we win
Or cry in our beer?
Touchdown's in
Time to cheer!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

At the Zoo
Though a part of me
Feels like I'm invading
Their privacy
I love going to the zoo.
When I look
In their eyes,
I feel the glass melt away.
I feel a connectedness.
I get to become
A beautiful wild animal.
I project all my
Thoughts and feelings
But they just brush them away
As they seem more intent
On chasing their children
Or stalking a ball.
Maybe we aren't so different.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Hint Of Spring
Bird songs
On a breeze
Whisper winds
Picking up their cheer
Spring is in the air.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Gem of A Day
Focus on the small
Nugget of good
That happened today.
Forget about the fool's gold
And the struggles
And hold the treasure close.
Squeeze it tight
Till it warms your heart
And spreads to your soul.
Feel the warmth infuse the day
With meaning
And block out the rest.
Ignore the tiredness
The wavering attention
The aches and irritations.
Let the jewel of the day
Shine and sparkle
With its light
Pointing to the wonder
Of tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day, Mary K
Smiles and graciousness
Including everyone
Into your heart
With a nod and encouragement
Full of understanding
And the need to love
And be loved.
Have a new year
Full of love.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Club
A chance to share
Not only books
But ideas
And our own stories.
How a novel touches us
And mirrors our own lives
And leads to
More chapters
And more food-
For thought.