

Monday, January 31, 2011

But I'm so Over It
The snow may look nice
From inside
But I need to see grass soon.

Watching the Golf Channel
And drooling over
Verdant greens.

Reading Sarah's Key
And wondering how
The weather is in occupied Paris.

Skating at the Roller Rink
And telling stories about
Summer's ago
Skating down our front hill.

Eating oranges
And trying to absorb
All the Vitamin C
On a sunless day.

And glad that February
Has only 28 days!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

You Have to Admit It Is Pretty
Soft fluffy flakes
Like a quilt's feathers
Gently floating down
From silver skies.

Beautiful snowscapes
Made smooth and clean
Like shells on the shore.

Trees tipped with silver
Shrubs sprouting out
Of white fields.
Abundant footprints
Leading to wild life's
Winter mansions.

It is a Winter Wonderland.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winter Carnival Parade
To make the most of winter
Add 1 part fun
And 2 parts imagination.
Mix in lots of
Multi layered people
Plenty of floats and music
A good dose of humor
And a frigid high five.
Let simmer
With lots of smiles
And dig in!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Amy's Art Show
To see the heart
Of children
In their art-
The creative spirit
Coupled with
Innocent daring.
Seeing the reality
In fantasy.
Building art on dreams.
Sculptures figures
Molded with fingers
Sensing imagination
All around.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Long Winter Night
When I wake up
And the clock reads 1:23
I think how serendipitous
As I get up to pee.

When I look at the clock
And it says 2:34
I sigh and wonder
How many hours more.

When the clock
Notes 3:45
I guess I'm happy
To be alive.

But when I see
It's 4:56
I know I'm in a real fix.

And if I ever notice 5:67
I'll know I've died
And gone to heaven
And can finally sleep in.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Amy
Wide open smile
Twinkling Irish eyes
Flashing fingers
Lyrical laugh.
Brain buzzing with ideas.
Heart bursting
With Compassion.
Soul reaching out
To embrace the whole world
Then passionately translating
Life onto canvas
So the rest of us
Can share the story.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last Chess Club
Smiles and handshakes
Soda and certificates
A last chance
To challenge and share.
Special friendships
Forged in deep thought.
Respect and fun
Playing and learning together.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bible Stories
The lyrical beautiful symbolism
Used to tell universal truths,
Like fairy tales that mask
The deeper Psyche
And put a pretty face
On ancient themes.
Revealing the stories that bind us.
Reaching out
And trying to explain
Unfathomable mysteries.
A way to communicate
And include
A happily ever after.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Reason for the Seasons
Looking at summer
From the bleak landscape of winter
Is a miracle of the mind.
To look past bare branches
To remember green boughs
Takes imagination.

To sit sweating
In the August sun
And feel the cool kiss
Of January's delicate snowflakes
Depends on creative thinking.

Seeing the change of seasons
And the stark contrasts
Develops our inner artist.
The creative process
Of turning winter into summer
Brings out the poet in all of us.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cabin Fever
I need to walk
Barefoot in the grass.
To feel the warm earth
Beneath my feet.
I need to see
The promise of possibilities
In awakening plants.
I need to hear
More than the Vacuum
Of winter.
I need signs of spring!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dog Days of January
Black paws
Against white snow,
Skittering feet
Kicking up snow dust.
Tail wagging
In the cold crisp breeze.
Pink tongue darting out
To catch a
Falling flake.
Nose sniffing the air
Waiting to smell
A glimpse of spring
In frozen aromas.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Kind of January Thaw

The laughter flows
Like the wine.
Huddled together
In a cosy booth
Keeping the cold
January night at bay
And basking
In the warmth
Of old friends.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I don't need more things.
I need more time
To clean the space
Around the things
We've collected.
I need more experience
Not just the trivia from trips.
I need the place
Not the photograph.
I need...
The kiss, not the Valentine
The god, not the statue
The time, not the clock.
I need the life, not just the story.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Have A Dream
We all have dreams,
That's what we share.
Dreams slipping across borders
To join a cosmic consciousness
A universal truth.
Dreams touch the deepest part of us
Lifting our hearts
Joining our souls
In the possibilities of dreams.

Monday, January 17, 2011

You can't learn from your mistakes
If you never admit them.
Making the world fit your reality
May make it easier to excuse
Your failures
But then you never really see the truth.
You never really move forward.
You'll always be stuck
Mired in mistakes.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday and Sunday-
An island
Floating in the sea
Of weekdays.
A safe harbor
Amid the storms
Of Monday-Friday.
A weekend retreat
To refuel and refresh.
A break from
The day to day.
Time out of sync
A second squirreled away
A calendar date hidden
And saved for
Our own personal time.
A three day weekend!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I need more inspiration
Than the cold blank landscape.
Winter puts my soul to sleep.

I need the warm sun's kiss
To reawaken passions.

I need to feel the heat
Rising through my body
To stir my heart.

Boiling blood like lava
Creating new ideas.

A place to ripen and reform
To birth new poetry and dreams.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Footprints to follow
A hand to hold
A head to lead
A heart to show
The way to live
With a peaceful soul
The way to age
Without growing old.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Minnesota nice
To sit back and complain.
How passive aggressive
To armchair quarterback.
How easy to rant and rave
About simple solutions
To complex problems.
How convenient
To have all the answers
After the mistakes
Have been made.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fortune Cookie
"There is no one so rich
That they don't need help
Or so poor
That they cannot help."
Were fortune cookies
The original "Tweets?"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon
Black spots
Dotting the skyscape.
Fluttering crows
Riding the clouds
Across the sunset.
Darting in and out
Pecking the pink
Cotton candy cumulus
Settling on the
Hedge of trees
Fencing the sky.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Locked And Loaded
The political rhetoric
Of "Mama Grizzly"
Is a cute simile,
Until you realize
The damage done
By the reckless passion
And disregard for
Anything in its way.
Rather than clawing through
The woods
Wouldn't learning
To teach and understand
The hazards
And responding in a
More human nature
Make more sense.
We do have the ability
To communicate
After all.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I feel like
An ice cream sandwich
Cold and creamy
Between two wool blankets.
Melting over the edges
As the sun peeks in
To warm my toes.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January Thaw
I'll love you
Until the icicles
Touch the ground.
I'll love you
Until the snow
Piles higher than my window.
I'll love you
Until the trees
No longer hold upright.
I'll love you
Until the winter white
Meets the sky blue.
I'll love you
As long as winter lasts
In Minnesota
Or hell freezes over.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Frigid Friday
Live in the moment
Eat from the plate
In front of you.
Don't worry about
What happened this morning
Or what's coming next.
Be fully present,
And time seems
To stand still-
Especially when
You have recess duty.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fourth Grade Girls
Rolling eyes
Toss of hair
Snide giggle
Rather than
Sugar and spice
The girls seem to be
growing into teenagers.
I never understood
The peer pressure
Of cliques.
I guess I was lucky
Not to be too cool.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4:00 A.M.
Sleep worn off
Thousands of thoughts
Taking the place of dreams.
Dreams of
The day's lesson plans
Matching the kids plans.
Dreams of calendar dates
Toppling over from being too full.
Dreams of a to do list
Dreams of
What I forgot to put
On my to do list.
Dreams of
Coming home from school
And going to sleep...
Perchance to dream.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Book Club
Has been a great way
To meet new friends.
I fell in love with
Willa Cather,
Who I never met in high school.
And the "Lonely Passion of
Judith Hearn" haunts me.
"Beloved" Toni Morrison
Taught me a whole new language.
And Bill Bryson always
Makes me laugh.
Books have given me insight
Into other cultures and
Other lives.
They have added to my
Own personal experience.
And isn't that
What friends are for?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to School
Back to the spark
Of joy and enthusiasm
When they fathom
The mysteries of the solar system
Or the wonder of
Getting a spelling test right.
Back to the friendship
And camaraderie
Of sharing stories
And peanut butter sandwiches.
Back to the delight
And curiosity
Of new challenges
To be excited about division
And proud of multiplication facts.
Back to school
And on to learning new things.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Real Things
The things we take for granted
Like life, love, laughter
Those are the things
Buried deep in our hearts.

We need to wake up every day
And laugh
To acknowledge the joy
In our hearts.
Celebrate the ability
To see the wonder of life.
Love with all our hearts
To refill our veins
With the life's blood
Of human communion,
To feel the heartbeat
Of the world.
To keep life sacred
By keeping it in the mundane.
To be mindful of it
And be grateful every day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A straight line number
As opposed to
The topsy turvey 0
Of 2010-
Signifying the straight and narrow,
Austerity and tightening our belts?
Or upright and honest,
Strong and sturdy?
What lies ahead-
Peek around the corner
Open the door
Let the new year in!