

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of the Month
As the last day slips away
Like a monkey
Swinging to the top
Of the next calendar page,
A leap of faith
That the next month
With its variable dates
Will offer more...
More beautiful sunrises
More unseasonable weather
More chances to finish work
And time to play
More opportunities
To savor the weekend
More options in wardrobe
More nights
Of clear skies
And moon rises
More dates.

Monday, August 30, 2010

So much to do...
Buzzing here
Buzzing there
Hopping from one project
To another.
At least a fly
Has an excuse
With its mutant eyes
It's hard to focus.
My only excuse is
That it's August.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!
I love birthday
Especially mine!
It's a day to celebrate
All the wonder
That brought you
To where you are today.
Whether 10 or 110
Each candle represents
The details of your years.
The sunny days of smiles.
The hard cold winter of a frown.
The tears, like candle wax
Dotting the frosting.
The warm blaze,
Like friendship's embrace.
Make a wish
And blow out the candles
Still bright inside
With warm memories
Of this year's growth.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

End of August
No regrets
Just wishes.
I wish I had more time
To spend with you.
I wish every night
Had such beautiful sunsets.
I wish we could see
The Northern Lights again.
I wish the weather was
Hot enough for me
And cool enough for you.
I wish the sky
Was always Parrish Blue.
I wish each day
Had its own festival.
I wish I could sit here forever
With a cat in my lap
And you next to me.
I wish the summer would never end.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy
Sits in your stomach
Like a piranha
And nibbles away at your insides.

Did I remember to lock the door?
A bite of liver.
Will someone break in?
A taste of spleen.
Is everything OK?
A bit of kidney.
What if they let the cats out?
A helping of heart.
Why do I worry so much?
Maybe a big chomp of brain
Would slow the worrying
And keep it from devouring me.
Something else to worry about!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Opening Day at the Fair
Once a year for 12 days,
Like Brigadoon,
Como and Snelling becomes a fantasy land.

All the grease you can inhale
And anything you can think of
On a stick.

A sea of people
Wade down the Avenue;
A baby stroller parade,
Toddlers running on sugar,
Parents following with weary smiles,
Teenagers being cool,
And old folks trying to keep up.

10 days to do it all-
From cattle barns to horse shows
From side shows to art shows.

And then just as suddenly
It disappears.
Summer's over.
It's back to school.
Still the memories linger
Like the sweet smell
Of Tom Thumb Donuts.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Journey
Through childhood's path
Each pebble a story
Mosaics pieced together
Forming stepping stones to adulthood.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

End of Summer
A fresh breeze blows through August
Dispersing the heat.

Cool waves of wind dance like whitecaps
On a summer day.

A timid sun peeks out
To gently nudge the clouds.

An Autumn preview in August.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Community Reporter Minutes
Was my writing for today.
Check out the Communty Reporter.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Flocks of Phlox
My Garden abounds with purple
Like Lilacs in August.
The tall stems
Offer up their flowers
Like goblets of wine.
Butterflies and bees
Hearing August's "Last call"
Seek solace in the sweet nectar.
Lighting tripping home
With an end of summer hangover.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dog days of Summer
Dogs lie in the sun
Waiting for you to throw the ball
For a game of fetch.

Cats lie in the sun
Waiting for you
To fetch a bowl of water.

Dogs seek the shade
At your feet
To protect you.

Cat seek the shade
In your lap
To get petted.

Dogs treat you as the Alpha
Cats know who's boss.

Our pets love us
And fill an important place
In our lives.

Seeing summer
Through our pets' eyes.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Doesn't matter what you do
The point is
It's up to you.
You get to choose.

Eat when you're hungry.
Sleep when you're tired.
Do what you want,
Even if you choose to do nothing.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eyes tight shut
To keep out the light.
Inside my head
A metal pin ball
Is bouncing off the nerves
Sending neurons careening
Into bumpers
Pulsating and pounding.
Flick the flippers
To keep the pain at bay.
Tilt the machine
In an attempt
To avoid it.
Noise, lights
Hammering through consciousness
Temporary distractions
From the silver ball
Rampaging in my head.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our thoughts and prayers are with our friend Joe Vinar

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Workshop Hauku
Can't sit anymore
How can anyone stand it
8 hours in a chair

Monday, August 16, 2010

Teacher Workout
Providing students with the opportunities
To stretch their brains
Like pushup for the mind.

Giving students the tools
To create and explore
Like weights for bench pressing.

Asking students to ask questions
Like isometric resistance
Building strong muscles.

Getting students excited
Like an aerobic workout
Pushing to its peak.

And Encouragement
Exercises for a good workout.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Brains and brawn
Beauty and the beast.
Sometime a little forethought
Can prevent a lot of work.
Sometimes a BFH is all you need
Sometimes a better plan is necessary.
As dad use to say
"It ain't goin to the fair."
Then have a beer and think about it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mesmerising Moments at Irish Fest
Clapping with the bodran
Pogoing to the beat
The crowd sings along,
Many accents in harmony.

Arcadian roots
Snaking through the crowd
Joining the patchwork plaid
Of the Irish Kilt.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th
Celebrating 56 years of life
For another Joe

Freedom on the Highway
Sturgis in August
Feeling invincible
At one with the wind.

We pray Angels broke your fall
Tucked you safely in their wings
And carry you back to us soon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Celebrating The Wonder of 10 Years of Life.

A smile brighter than the candles
Warming our hearts.
Kindness and thoughtfulness
Well beyond your years.
Empathy and humor
You were born with.
Talents and ideas
You grew into.
A beautiful night to celebrate
With family and friends.
Happy Birthday Joe!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My "Eat, Pray, Love" Word
I am a seeker.

Seek the truth
The elusive goal of detective novels.

Seek to learn new things
The sign of a good teacher.

Seek to be helpful
As a citizen of the world.

Seek knowledge
As a hunter in life's library.

Seek comfort
Not fearing the unknown but expanding into it.

Seek passion
Aggressively embracing opportunities of joy.

Seek fun
Taking time to laugh.

Seek balance
Putting all the pieces together.

Seek Peace
Reconciling the restlessness of the search.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Greatest Generation @ the History Center
The lense of childhood
Recreates its own history.

The days were longer
The snow deeper
The sun hotter
And the stars
Actually may have appeared brighter
Due to less city glare.

The walk to school
Seemed to go on for miles.
Between the blocks
Was such an adventure.
Imagining what was behind
Lace curtains.
Chasing through hedge shortcuts.
Hopscotching down the sidewalk.

It seemed forever between houses.
Nine blocks included
All the laughs, secrets and dreams
We shared
In the short space and time
Of our nine year old history.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer in the City
Seeking shade
Under August's jungle canopy
Garden overgrown,
Like a Gauguin painting.
Feel the heat bake the bark
And wring the sweat from the leaves.
Squirrels, with bellies pressed flat to the limbs,
Too hot to scurry
Just trying to catch a summer breeze.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gary's Poem
Sharing your thoughts through your writing
Making each day's poetry exciting.
Your optimistic outlook on life
Finding beauty in every day strife.

I enjoy your honesty and compassion
You do understand your feelings.
Thanks for letting me into your world.
You are passionate, playful, loving and caring.
All who you touch,
Enjoy your friendship and love,
Your wisdom as a teacher.
We are all students.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mom's Anniversary
I replaced the curtains today.
The ones you gave me
after you got new hand me downs
From Uncle Joe.
They were a golden pleated texture
So basic they never went out of style.
You got them from Auntie Bea
Who knew good quality,
And you nearly had to remake them
To fit your living room,
Using your trusty sewing machine.

But the seams were fraying
And they couldn't take another washing.
Though you cared for them carefully
Always making things last,
Like the ugly blue carpeting.
It was time for them to come down.

I put up cheap curtains from Tuesday Morning.
They're the same color
And no one will notice
But it's not quite the same.
Your drapes had history
A bit of you woven through the golden strands.
It's been 5 years since you died
But it was still hard to take down those curtains.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Experience as a Judge
@ Poetry Slam 2010
Words slam onto the page
And out of the mouth.

Reverberating off the walls
And into your heart.

Rhythm of its beat pulsating
Through the room.

Connecting the world with poetry.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Armchair Observer
Watching the world go by my window
Parade of people wind past my door.

The grey haired gentleman with
His nose in a book.
The harried mom with stroller
And toddler in tow.
The labrador retriever
Leading the young couple.
My family stopping by
To visit.

Observing the details of daily life

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Charm Bracelet
A pattern set
In the naive days
Of childhood.

Events like silver charms
Marking the family circle.

But chains
Bound to be broken
As we outgrow the mold.

More links, more charms
Need to be added
Before it's clasped.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

St Paul Poetry Slam
Take the things you
See, hear and feel
And put them into motion.

Like a blender
Full of words
Whirling inside your head.

Top off,
Ready to pour
A brand new flavor of poetry.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to School Dreams
Just waiting to be broken in.
That first line on the page,
The crooked letters
Branding the paper
Followed by
Endless possibilities.

Sharp and bright
Lined up in increments of color.
The facinating decision
Of first out of the box.
Contrast on the pure white paper
Of a line
Leading to
Endless possibilities.

Pristine covers
Covering adventures,
Spine unbroken.
Words promising
Endless possibilities.

Fresh new faces
Neatly scrubbed
Smiling at each other
In anticipation and trepidation of
Endless possibilities.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beginning of August
Or as Gary calls it
A Corny Poem
Each day is a kernel
On a cob of corn,
Chomp into it with gusto
And relish each buttery bite.

Savor the sweet lazy days;
Picnics in the park
Walks by the water
Stars at night.

Chew over the memories;
Family gatherings
And the intimate conversations
Only lounging at the beach can bring.

Taste the excitement
Of the state Fair,
Back to school shopping

August has no time for regrets
Swallow resentments
And digest each moment.
Savor the Day!